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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The MOST Important BEST FIRST Step--Get Outside and Observe!

I've been inspired to draw a series of birds after attending several  San Fernando Valley Audubon Society's "Bird Sit" meetups. 

My inspiration comes from getting outside to observe! I struggle to draw plein air, so instead I observe, listen, take notes. Return home and select one bird I observed, find a reference photo. Draw. Then do some research to learn more about the chosen subject--add the facts that interest me and a personal story-- to the journal page. 

This process is getting me past all my "excuses" to draw. Most important is the act of getting outside to observe. 

Special Thanks to all the enthusiastic kind people (especially Teri) that attend and share their drawing experience at the "Bird Sit."

More birds to come...

My first "Bird Sit" journal entry. Too intimidated to draw plein air. Took notes which inspired further investigation to draw birds from reference photos. As I build my own personal confidence, I will share gesture drawings and hope to build my experience doing plein air compositions.

Drawn plein air at O'Melveny Park, Granada Hills, CA. 

All the following drawn from reference photos. (Credit given in text on each journal page).