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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"A day NOT at the beach, looking closely at seashells"

Sept 26, 9am, Wildwood Canyon Park, Burbank, CA

1. To learn specific meet location. 
2. So we know who to expect. 
3. If we need to cancel or alter meetup plans, you'll receive direct email or text.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Seed containers": August 22, Thur, 9am till ~11:30am. Stough Canyon & Starlight Bowl, Burbank.

 Please sign-up on Eventbrite: 1. To learn specific meet location and further details. 2. So we know who to expect. 3. If we need to cancel (weather, etc.), you’ll receive a direct email.

August 22 @ 9:00am till ~11:30am.

We hope you will join us as we strengthen our art and curiosity of nature together!

Drawing prompt topic (optional): "Seed Containers" - Seedheads, Pods, Pinecones, Fruits and Vegetables. Observe patterns, structures, look closely.

Meet at 9:00am for introductions; share what we have been working on (~15 mins).

Drawing warmup (optional): Participate in drawing warm up exercises.

Terri was introduced to drawing in a college class by Betty Edwards, author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. We’ll discuss and use drawing warm-up exercises related to Betty’s break down of the 5 skills of basic drawing.

Observe and journal: Use the drawing prompt topic--or sketch whatever you find interesting.

Gather and Share: Gathering again at 11:15am to share our sketches and observations and discuss tips and tools for nature journaling.

More discussions: If you have questions about supplies or other nature journaling questions, we can continue with a discussion at the end.

Suggested journaling supplies: sketchbook, pencils, waterproof markers, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, watercolors, etc.

Bring: Water, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, etc...

Although we plan to meet at picnic tables (tables may or may not end up in the shade), you may also want to bring something to sit on (small portable folding chair or sit pad) to move into the shade.

Restrooms? Yes, there are restrooms at this park.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Trees and Leaves: July 16, Tue, 9:45am till ~Noon. Stonehurst Park, Shadow Hills.

Please sign-up on Eventbrite: 1. To learn specific meet location and further details. 2. So we know who to expect. 3. If we need to cancel (weather, etc.), you’ll receive a direct email.

July 16 @ 9:45am till ~Noon.

We hope you will join us as we strengthen our art and curiosity of nature together!

Drawing prompt topic (optional): Trees (and Leaves) of Stonehurst Park

Meet at 9:45am for introductions; share what we have been working on (~15 mins).

Drawing warmup (optional): Participate in drawing warm up exercises.

Terri was introduced to drawing in a college class by Betty Edwards, author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. We’ll discuss and use drawing warm-up exercises related to Betty’s break down of the 5 skills of basic drawing.

Observe and journal: Use the drawing prompt topic--or sketch whatever you find interesting.

Gather and Share: Gathering again at 11:30am to share our sketches and observations and discuss tips and tools for nature journaling.

More discussions: If you have questions about supplies or other nature journaling questions, we can continue with a discussion at the end.

Suggested journaling supplies: sketchbook, pencils, waterproof markers, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, watercolors, etc.

Bring: Water, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, etc...

Although we plan to meet at picnic tables (tables may or may not end up in the shade), you may also want to bring something to sit on (small portable folding chair or sit pad) to move into the shade or closer to tree(s) you wish to sketch.

Restrooms? Yes, there are restrooms in the old stone building at the park (close by) and over in the gym rec center (farther away).

If you would like to read more about the ~1930 Stonehurst Recreation Center stone building...

I found a great article about the history of the building. Definitely an interesting read.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Art of Paying Attention

Ted Talk by Wendy MacNaughton

This talk starts out with audience doing a blind contour drawing.  One of the same exercises I really encourage at the start of every journal session as you learn to slow down your mind to SEE.

Wendy goes on to explain how SEEING can extend to connecting with people.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

How to Start a Nature Journaling Practice?

Don't know where to start (to learn) to do nature journaling? Mental block? Time constraints? Perfectionism? Other reasons (excuses)?

Check out John Muir Laws' Blog Archives of How To Draw topics, as one place to find inspirational instruction.

The Challenge

1. Pick a category of something from nature that you would like to investigate further. (Example categories: birds, mammals, insects, plants/flowers, lizards, etc.).

2. Go to John Muir Laws' Blog Archives and find your topic or category. Review the list of instructional videos that can help inspire you. Watch it!

3. Spend time drawing. Nothing special, just draw! Don't judge yourself. *Don't need to show it to anyone, unless you want to. 

4. Optional: Go to Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club's Facebook public page  and *share! What did you learn? What did you notice? 

That's it. Get started. Draw. Share. Make an apt with yourself do it--again.  

Start with a once a week goal.


  1. Find someone to go do nature journaling with:  A friend. A family member. A Nature Journaling Club.
  2. Set a date/time to GO OUTSIDE and observe. Record your observations (pictures optional).

Perfectionism is the enemy of completion or possibly even starting?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The MOST Important BEST FIRST Step--Get Outside and Observe!

I've been inspired to draw a series of birds after attending several  San Fernando Valley Audubon Society's "Bird Sit" meetups. 

My inspiration comes from getting outside to observe! I struggle to draw plein air, so instead I observe, listen, take notes. Return home and select one bird I observed, find a reference photo. Draw. Then do some research to learn more about the chosen subject--add the facts that interest me and a personal story-- to the journal page. 

This process is getting me past all my "excuses" to draw. Most important is the act of getting outside to observe. 

Special Thanks to all the enthusiastic kind people (especially Teri) that attend and share their drawing experience at the "Bird Sit."

More birds to come...

My first "Bird Sit" journal entry. Too intimidated to draw plein air. Took notes which inspired further investigation to draw birds from reference photos. As I build my own personal confidence, I will share gesture drawings and hope to build my experience doing plein air compositions.

Drawn plein air at O'Melveny Park, Granada Hills, CA. 

All the following drawn from reference photos. (Credit given in text on each journal page).

Monday, June 3, 2024

Path to Unlock the Artist Within - Visit us June 22, 204 at Eaton Canyon's "A Day in Nature"

Shadow Hills NJC will be at Eaton Canyon's "A Day in Nature."  

NO reservation required. Just show up to enjoy all the activities at Eaton Canyon. 

More information.

Our mantra is "All Ages Can Nature Journal." At this event, Shadow Hills NJC will focus on ways that Nature Journaling can be a "Path to Unlock the Artist Within". Process and steps developed and taught by Betty Edwards (author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and Drawing on the Artist Within: An Inspirational and Practical Guide to Increasing Your Creative Powers), her techniques are explored as possible ways to learn to observe and translate what you see into drawings, using nature journaling as practice to unlock your "artist within".

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Drawing Is A Great Way To Slow Down & Appreciate The World Around Us

I was a student of Dr Betty Edwards' in 1979 at Cal State Long Beach. I learned her techniques for drawing, which is laid out in her book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." (I pursued a technical career--far removed from "art").  When I started to draw again after retirement in 2018, and discovered JML Nature Journaling in 2019, I tapped into what I learned from Betty in 1979.  I recently connected with her via email (she is now 92), and wanted to share this blog post. She touched 1000's of people's lives.

Drawing Is A Great Way To Slow Down & Appreciate The World Around Us

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Oro Vista Park/Big Tujunga Wash Plant tour. Sponsor: CNPS, LASMM Chapter.

The Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club meetup at 11:30am has been cancelled due to personal family issues.  

We still encourage your attendance to the tour  sponsored by California Native Plant Society (CNPS), Los Angeles Santa Monica Mountains (LASMM) Chapter.

More information on Shadow Hills NJC's Calendar entry.

May 18, 2024, 9:30am. Big Tujunga Wash Plant Tour

This outing led by Roger Klemm will tour the xeric portion of Big Tujunga Wash where groundwater is deeper than tree roots, located between wetter, wooded areas about 4 miles apart, upstream and downstream.  We will view dry wash vegetation in flood channels north of the Sunland-Tujunga community, managed since 2011 by the Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority.  We hope to see vigorously blooming native shrubs after a wet winter.

Meet near picnic tables in Oro Vista Park, at the corner of Oro Vista Avenue and Grove Street.  From the I-210 freeway exit at Sunland Blvd., go 3/4 mile east to Oro Vista Ave., then 3/4 miles north to the park.  Bring water, hat, walking shoes and appropriate clothing.  

This event is listed on CNPS website for, "Los Angeles Santa Monica Mountain (LASMM)" Chapter:

Contact Bill Neill. CNPS, LASMM, at for more information about CNP's event.

Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club Meetup

Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club will meet after the native plant tour at the picnic tables at approx. 11:30-12:30pm However, please bring a light weight very portable stool in the event all the picnic tables are all claimed.  The group will start with some drawing warm up exercises... and return to the garden to  observe, record, draw, connect more deeply with nature.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Artist paints daily nature journal for over a year

 BBC Article

An artist from the Scottish Borders has been keeping a daily art journal for the last 16 months.

Pete Carthy started documenting nature as a New Year's resolution in January 2023 as "something positive to do every day."

He credits it with giving him greater connection to nature because he is "constantly" looking for the picture to recreate.

The art journalist, who lives in West Linton, usually takes a photograph on his phone before sitting down to paint the scene later that day.

Pete has been taking several classes, including a botanical illustration course, and has grown an online community who support his work.

He said: "One day is not like the next day, whether it's the cloud, the light, seasons.

"It's always different, it's never the same."

Follow Pete's journey via FB HERE (more about Pete) or HERE (daily pictures).

Monday, April 29, 2024

Bird Migration Info from BirdCast

When Will Spring Bird Migration Hit Its Peak?

For birders in North America, few times are as exciting as witnessing the return of warblers, tanagers, orioles, and other migrants that have been gone all winter. Thanks to the scientists at BirdCast, we have an educated guess about when migration will be peaking in your neck of the woods

Around 340 Million Birds on the Move Tonight (4/29/2024): Speaking of peak migration, BirdCast is forecasting major movements tonight over most of eastern North America.  This map is updated daily.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunland Welcome Nature Garden Tour w/ Roger Klemm, April 28.


Roger Klemm's enthusiasm for California Native Plants is contagious.

There were so many great questions and it was obvious everyone was so interested in learning more about the CA native plants in the garden and learning how to identify and differentiate between similar plants.  To look closely and see the differences.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Right Brain Drawing

It was over 45 years ago while in college that I took "Art for Non-Art Majors" from Betty Edwards, whom went on to become quite famous for her book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." I had no idea that college class would change the way I "SEE" for my entire life. I actually think she taught me to "see", and that ANYONE can also learn the skill to "see" and translate that vision onto paper.

I did not pursue "art" as a career. I started out as a Draftsman (working in civil engineering, architecture, electronic, and aerospace industries), then as a Tool Designer in the Aerospace Industry--working on some of the first 3-D computer graphic systems in that industry, then transitioned into training and courseware development for those systems, and then 25 years as an IT Professional--all far removed from any "artistic endeavor".  

It wasn't until in retirement I took a couple "art classes" and rediscovered the seeds that Betty Edwards had planted in my brain as a young woman. Some of the things she taught gave me a huge jumpstart back toward "SEEING."  

In September of 2018, when I started drawing again (after 40 yrs), I tracked Betty Edwards down via email:

"Dear Betty, 

I took your class (Art for non-art majors) around 1979-80. Although I did not pursue "art" as a career, your class did change my perceptual skills and stay with me all these years.

I retired from technical careers (first as a draftsman/engineer/designer, then 25 yrs in the Information Technology (IT) realm)... very far from "art."

A month ago, I decided it was about time to pick up my pencil and try to draw again... remembering what I learned and practiced in your class--I need much more practice now--I felt like I just picked up from where I left off in your college drawing class.

SO, this letter is to tell you THANK YOU. I am looking forward to really learning to "see" again, the way you taught me, to turn off that logical (left) brain and really look at things, to slow down, to enjoy that magical place in my brain when I'm really in that groove of "seeing" and reproducing that image from my mind onto paper. What a joyful time it is, when I am able to get exactly into that moment, where time is meaningless and disappears, and only be in that moment with what I see and putting it there, right there on paper.

Fondest memories. Sincere Thank you!"

She responded:

"Dear Terri,

Thank you so much for your email and for letting me know that you are drawing again. I am so happy for you! I have such fond memories of the old days at Cal State Long Beach and of students like you who made the job fun and rewarding.

Thank you again for writing to me. I means so much to me.

Your old teacher,

Betty Edwards"


"Learning to draw means learning to see"

I highly recommend Betty Edwards techniques and her books. Check out her website:

"With proper instruction the perceptual skills of drawing can be taught to anyone and they can be taught in a relatively short space of time."

-- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain®

Further thoughts...

After writing the above, I stumbled upon a 2022 interview with Dr Betty Edwards. Here is the link:  It was delightful after 45 years to see her face.  

Dr Edwards also has a blog that is current as of Feb 2024:

Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 20th: Eaton Canyon's Earth Day Celebration. What a GREAT Day.

I talked to and met so many people! Some were familiar with what nature journaling is... others had no idea and I were eager to learn more...

I owe a shout out to Eaton Canyon Nature Center Associates, Kenia Loyola Estrella, Lorraine Lazarus, and everyone at Eaton Canyon Natural Area and Nature Center for making me feel so welcome and part of their "family."

The leaf rub for kids (and adults alike) was great fun... To all the people that stopped to talk with me, THANK YOU ALL! -Terri Mando

Storyboard: "All Ages Can Nature Journal"
Side table: Many examples of journal pages by kids and adults.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 28th Sunland Welcome Garden Tour and Introduction to Nature Journaling

Bring your curiosity and wonder...

Roger Klemm (Shadow Hills local CA Native Plant expert) and Terri Mando (A Nature Journaling enthusiast and Ambassador for Wild Wonder Foundation), are hosting a FREE talk/walk at the Sunland Welcome Nature Garden on April 28. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Amy Tan - Backyard Birder

Birdwatching isn't just about counting birds.  Amy Tan, author, talks about learning to observe birds and journal about them, drawings and notes about their behavior in this interview by Bay Nature. She has a new book coming out: The Backyard Bird Chronicles.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Sunland Welcome Nature Garden

The Sunland-Tujunga-Shadow Hills Welcome Nature Garden is at the intersection of Sunland Blvd and I-210 Fwy. So easy to drive past and not connect with the plants. Stop by, check it out!

If you explore the Garden and decide to nature journal, DO take pictures and leave the garden flowers for others--especially the wildlife--to enjoy. 

Be sure to be mindful of the plants underfoot if you go explore. Although the garden is 11 yrs old in March 2024, there are always tender plants that should not be stepped on. Please watch your step and PEASE DO NOT pick the flowers, their seeds are for the wildlife. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Our New Name "Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club"

March 2, 2024, we transitioned to a new name: 

Shadow Hills Nature Journal Club, aka Shadow Hills NJC.

Our New Name and Logo

Stay tuned for changes and events... More to follow.

We were formally known as Burbank Nature Journal Club, aka Burbank NJC. We tried to partner with Burbank Parks and Recreation, Stough Canyon Nature Center, but due to circumstances beyond our control, a more formal relationship has stalled. Alternative community connections are underway.